I recommended this for "serious shorts". The details in the animation were great, I found the story meaningful and easy to understand, and it made me feel like I was actually there, rather than watching it on a screen. 10/10 5/5
I recommended this for "serious shorts". The details in the animation were great, I found the story meaningful and easy to understand, and it made me feel like I was actually there, rather than watching it on a screen. 10/10 5/5
Hi and thanks!
I'm kind of new to the system her on NG, so I don't really know what that means: "Serious shorts", will look into that. But I'm guessing it's a genre of some sort?
Again thanks to you and everyone one else for all your constructive comments and for letting me know what you thought about the video! =]
the playground is my favorite place in the world!
This put a huge smile on my face. One of the more difficult tasks with art is trying to give the viewer an emotion, and you have accomplished this. Great job!
What emotion was this, disgust?
So funny!
I laughed so hard at this(as I do with all the videos in this series!) I LIVE ON THE MOON! lol.
I don't know why, but I don't find Flora funny-I actually kind of feel sorry for her. She has to put up with a kid who yells IM 42 years old! all day, and she's married to a guy who's attracted to pudding. Needless to say, that would suck.
Yeah, like Flora is the ultimate straight man. She's probably the most grounded character and I hoped that that would make it easier for people to sympathize with her. <3
it felt SO CLOSE!
This flash would have been absolutely beautiful if it had backgrounds, but without them the flash doesn't have anything but trains moving in random directions. Nice music and animation, though.
lol thanks for the addviicee
This was great!
I liked how you made the guys facial expressions!
I love you Thank you for the review!
the guy below me...
has no life
Well his review is gone now, so it's all good :)
Joined on 1/19/10